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Our Writing Team

A panel of expert contributors bring an abundance of talents to complement our core team of expert authors led by editor Alistair Forrest.

Alistair Forrest - Editor of New Natural Business

Alistair Forrest draws on years of experience as a journalist, editor and author, including 22 years in the natural health sector. Alistair previously edited Health Food Business magazine and is now a published author of historical fiction. His career has included daily newspaper journalism, editing magazines in the health, photographic and travel sectors, and for a decade he was principal of a Public Relations company.

Other contributors in the Summer 2024 issue:

Ray Hill

Founder and Secretary of the Health Food Institute
Give us this day... what's in our bread?

Len Glenville

Chair, Health Stores UK
An easy way to make a difference

Alan McGrath

National Organiser, Health Stores Ireland
Class of '24 – Let's do this together

Martin Last

Director General, Health Food Manufacturers’ Association
One year on

Tim Gaunt

Biochemist, chartered biologist, nutritionist and Chief Information Officer at Acorn Scientific Marketing
Balancing act

Sarah Orecchia

Founder of Unbeelievable Health
Honeybees - Nature's alchemists and the health products they produce

Lindsay Powers

GHN Nutritionist
The Krill Oil miracle

Dr Alan Desmond

Consultant Gastroenterologist
Why food matters

Dr Richard Middleton

What next for probiotics?

Sophie Ziegler-Jones

Suma co-op member
Seeing positives in difficult times

Jerome Burn


For editorial opportunities, contact editor Alistair Forrest at [email protected], and for advertising and promotions contact Sharon Munn-Giddings,[email protected].