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Together we are louder

Theresa Cutts
HFMA Marketing and PR Consultant

It can seem an impossible task to keep up-to-date and receive accurate and reliable information. At the Health Food Manufacturers' Association we aim to keep the industry both updated and informed while also encouraging dialogue and discussion amongst members, stakeholders and the authorities.

We regularly communicate via member bulletins. With media updates highlighting press coverage of natural products and more in-depth research updates, we offer a round-up of what is happening and what your consumers are likely to be seeing.

As the election looms, bringing potential changes to the political landscape, updates and insights from our political advisors help guide us on how future changes could impact the industry and help advise us on what is going on in Whitehall highlighting opportunities for us to connect with MPs and government departments.

The natural products industry is small compared to many, and we all have friends and colleagues within the industry, but how often do you connect with other companies and sit down to discuss the issues and challenges that your business faces?

For the HFMA, bringing member companies together to discuss urgent matters or hosting regular Technical and Working Group meetings demonstrate how beneficial it can be to sit down with your peers and share thoughts and discussions. One such event was the Zoom meeting following the FSA announcement on CBD at the end of last year. In under 24 hours, we were able to convene a meeting with relevant companies, the HFMA team and our technical and scientific advisers, to discuss the impact of the announcement, share insights and help the HFMA understand what issues members were facing and their priorities.

The Technical and Working Group meetings are an opportunity for members to meet and discuss the latest regulatory updates, forthcoming legislative changes, industry challenges and updates on European activities. A recent addition to the day has been to add a presentation to the afternoon session, the most recent being a presentation on Traditional Herbal Registration.

Future presentations will hopefully include other speakers from member companies as well as representatives from Buckinghamshire Trading Standards, our Primary Authority, giving attendees a chance to not only learn but also ask questions and gain understanding of the topics covered. The valuable opportunity to network with other teams and companies is an important part of the day. We always discover there is much we can learn from each other.

CLEAR CHECK, the regulatory arm of the HFMA, hold webinars throughout the year taking a relaxed and informal look at the regulations. From food allergen labelling to health claims, these popular events offer the opportunity to understand the Guidance Notes plus a chance to ask questions and understand how to accurately apply the regulations to your brand.

Whatever the size of your business, the HFMA are always keen to engage. Whether an existing or potential member, we welcome input and dialogue, we are part of an industry that benefits from working together and there is much we can learn from each other.

For more information about the work of the HFMA and membership: [email protected]

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